Monday, June 1, 2009

Theme: Music and Movement

Focus Area


Story/Circle Time

(Cognitive & Communication Skills, Diversity)

-Read "Down by the Cool of the Pool"; "Barnyard Dance";

"Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp"
-Introduce new musical instrument daily

-Singing "Hello Song" with everyone's names
-Calendar: Month, Day of the week, & Date

Fine Motor

-Coloring Musical Instrument pages

-Playing instruments

-Making shakers - coloring/gluing/ threading
-Manipulating strings on "guitar"

Gross Motor

-Dancing to different music/different beats

-Outside time on playscape and petting animals

-Crashing into beanbags to music in motor room

-Playing the "freeze" game and musical chairs

Play Skills

-Taking turns with different instruments

-Musical chairs and "freeze" game to music

-Sharing materials and toys with friends during free play

Creative Expression

-Dancing to music

-Creating music with instruments

-Playing with and decorating "shakers"

-Making "guitars"


-Playing with different "shakers"

-Play-doh and Moon Sand

-Listening to different instruments

-Streamers during free time


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