0 comments Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kinderdance classes begin tomorrow! If you wish for your child to participate and have not yet signed them up, please do so immediately! We would like for the full class to be included.

Classes will be held every other Thursday beginning tomorrow. Eash session is $5 ($30 for the summer). Checks can be made to Emerson Academy, or you may include the class fees with your monthly tuition check.

Sign up today!

0 comments Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Frog Class will be dissolved this summer, and all of those students will be integrated into our Turtle and Panda classes. You can find updates about your child's activities on those blogs (navigate to them from the main Emerson page.)

Thank you!

0 comments Monday, June 1, 2009

Theme: Music and Movement

Focus Area


Story/Circle Time

(Cognitive & Communication Skills, Diversity)

-Read "Down by the Cool of the Pool"; "Barnyard Dance";

"Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp"
-Introduce new musical instrument daily

-Singing "Hello Song" with everyone's names
-Calendar: Month, Day of the week, & Date

Fine Motor

-Coloring Musical Instrument pages

-Playing instruments

-Making shakers - coloring/gluing/ threading
-Manipulating strings on "guitar"

Gross Motor

-Dancing to different music/different beats

-Outside time on playscape and petting animals

-Crashing into beanbags to music in motor room

-Playing the "freeze" game and musical chairs

Play Skills

-Taking turns with different instruments

-Musical chairs and "freeze" game to music

-Sharing materials and toys with friends during free play

Creative Expression

-Dancing to music

-Creating music with instruments

-Playing with and decorating "shakers"

-Making "guitars"


-Playing with different "shakers"

-Play-doh and Moon Sand

-Listening to different instruments

-Streamers during free time